A Dermatologist's Top 3 Tips for Naturally Healthy Skin

Get smooth, glowing skin without having to apply a million different skincare products.

Do you ever feel like no matter how many different skincare products you apply, you just don't get the results that you want?

You're not alone, and the reason that this is happening may be not because of the products you're using, but because of something else that's deeper than the skin.

As you may have already heard, diet plays a huge role in the health of the skin. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter how many high quality products you're using if you're not supporting your skincare routine with a well-balanced diet. Skincare, just like self-care, starts from the inside out. 

Here we'd like to give you three simple dietary tips from licensed dermatologist Dr. Liv Kraemer so that you can transform your skin into the healthy, glowing beauty that you desire!

If you'd like to learn more about what foods to avoid in order to create lasting positive change in the health of your skin, check out this blog here.

Yu-Be Skincare tips: When it comes to packaged/prepared food and drinks, always look at the label and avoid the products that contain more than 5 grams of added sugar

Tip #1: When it comes to packaged/prepared food and drinks, always look at the label and avoid the products that contain more than 5 grams of added sugar (we started off with a hard one, we know) 

  • Sugar causes inflammation in the body, which in turn breaks down the collagen and elastin in your skin, causing sagging, wrinkly skin
  • Avoid sugary beverages and energy drinks. Drink water instead and add a lemon or cucumber to flavor your water naturally
  • Raw, unsweetened almonds are a great alternative for a zero sugar snack
  • Pro tip: Take baby steps when implementing this tip into your diet. This is a gradual process that may take some time and reverting back to old habits before you find the sweet spot (no pun intended) where you feel comfortable and confident in making these shifts
Yu-Be Skincare tips: Flax seed oil has an extremely high amount of unsaturated oil, which aids in reducing inflammation and building stronger cell membranes in the body

Tip #2: Use flax seed oil

  • This delicate oil has an extremely high amount of unsaturated oil, which aids in reducing inflammation and building stronger cell membranes in the body
  • Use this as an oil to mix into salad dressings, sauces, or dips and avoid cooking with it
  • Avoid buying oil that's stored in a clear glass container, because the sun's UVA rays will get through and break down the unsaturated fats (which is toxic for your body) or store your bottle in a cool, dark space
  • Always make sure to completely seal the container closed after using it, because oxygen also destroys unsaturated fats
Yu-Be Skincare Tip: Cook your tomatoes. Tomatoes are high in antioxidants, which means that they are a powerful anti-aging ingredient. However, when you cook them, their level of lycopene (antioxidant contained in tomatoes and other red produce), increases!

Tip #3: Cook your tomatoes

  • Tomatoes are high in antioxidants, which means that they are a powerful anti-aging ingredient. However, when you cook them, their level of lycopene (antioxidant contained in tomatoes and other red produce), increases!


By following these simple tips, your moisturizers and cleansers will receive the underlying support they need to help your skin naturally become smooth and healthy.

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