10 Ways to Naturally Reduce Psoriasis Symptoms

There may be no known cure for psoriasis, but that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing you can do to reduce the painful symptoms.

Psoriasis is a recurring autoimmune disorder that affects more than 7.5 million American adults.

Although that large number may make it seem like overcoming psoriasis is a hopeless case and that you just have to live with it, within that number there a many, many people who've discovered how to reduce or even completely get rid of their psoriasis symptoms!

Before you read on, it's important to understand the difference between psoriasis and eczema, in case you mistakenly believe that you have former when in fact you have the latter.

Even though its symptoms are visible on the surface of your skin, psoriasis actually begins on the inside of your body — in your immune system. Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition in which your T-cells, a type of white blood cell, can become overactive and eventually cause an inflammatory reaction on your skin. This is why, when it comes to trying natural ways of reducing psoriasis symptoms, it's all about reducing the inflammation occurring inside of your body.

If you deal with psoriasis and want to join the people who are free of rashes, dryness, cracked skin, flakiness, small bumps, and redness, then keep on reading to discover 10 ways that you can naturally reduce mild psoriasis symptoms at home!

Please note that before trying some of these methods or if you have a severe case of psoriasis, you may want to consult with your doctor first.

1. Take dietary supplements. Fish oil, Vitamin D, milk thistle, aloe vera, Oregon grape, and evening primrose oil have been reported to help ease mild symptoms of psoriasis.

2. Prevent dry skin. Use a humidifier to keep the air in your home or office moist. This can help prevent dry skin before it starts. Be sure to also regularly apply a thick moisturizer for sensitive skin to keep your skin supple and moisturized.

3. Avoid fragrances. Most soaps and perfumes have dyes and other chemicals in them that may irritate your skin. Avoid using such products and instead use fragrance free moisturizers that are made for sensitive skin. If, however, you still want to use a moisturizer that has fragrance but is still safe for sensitive psoriasis skin, you’ll want to try the Yuzu Pure Hydration Cream, which is a heavy moisturizer that’s scented with the Yuzu flower and is 100% hypoallergenic, so it’s safe for even the most sensitive skin.

If you want a moisturizer that has a fragrance and is safe for psoriasis skin, try Yu-Be's Yuzu Pure Hydration Cream, a hypoallergenic moisturizer that will keep your psoriasis skin soothed and hydrated

4. Eat healthfully. There are many foods that are linked to inflammation in the body, as well as foods that help to decrease inflammation. Try to avoid or limit your consumption of inflammatory foods like red meat, refined sugars, carbohydrates, and alcohol. For inflammation-reducing foods, try consuming more fish (i.e. salmon and tuna), seeds, and nuts.

5. Soak your body. If you have a bath at home, try taking a lukewarm bath with Epsom salt, mineral oil, oatmeal, or olive oil to soothe itching and calm reddened skin. Be sure that the water is not scalding hot, as hot water can cause further irritation, and always make sure to apply a heavy moisturizer immediately after your bath in order to lock in the moisture.

6. Get some rays. People with psoriasis produce skin cells much faster than normal, which is what results in the red, itchy, and scaly skin. UVB rays slow down the rapid rate of skin growth and shedding, which is why it's recommended to sit in the sun for 10-15 minutes daily to reduce symptoms. Light therapy under the supervision of a doctor is also an option.

7. Reduce stress. A study on the effects of stress on disease revealed that prolonged stress results in a decreased sensitivity to cortisol — a hormone that helps regulate inflammation in the body — which causes inflammation to occur more aggressively than normal. Everyone has different ways of destressing, so whether it’s meditating, doing yoga, going for a walk, or treating yourself to a soothing skincare routine, find what works best for you and try to implement it more regularly into your daily life.

8. Consume turmeric. The anti-inflammatory qualities of turmeric have been found to help reduce psoriasis flare ups. This herb can either be consumed in pill form or added as a delicious and healthy component to your food!

9. Avoid smoking cigarettes. The nicotine in cigarettes affects the immune system, skin inflammation, and skin cell growth, all of which can contribute to the development or worsening of psoriasis.

10. Maintain a healthy weight. While more studies still need to be done to verify the link between weight and psoriasis, what we do know is that extra fat cells release inflammatory chemicals called cytokines, which increase the risk of developing or worsening psoriasis symptoms. One study found that people with psoriasis who lost weight by exercising and following a low-calorie diet saw their symptoms get better by almost 50% in 20 weeks — and that was without changing anything in their medication or treatment plan.


If you're dealing with psoriasis and desire to overcome its painful symptoms, give the above tips a try! Over the 65+ years that Yu-Be Skincare has been around, we've helped innumerous people overcome their skin issues, including psoriasis, eczema, and severely dry skin. That's what's kept our best selling moisturizer, the Yu-Be Moisturizing Skin Cream, the #1 item in our store. Give Yu-Be a try and see if it helps you overcome your psoriasis symptoms.

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