Here at Yu-Be, we love birthdays! After all, every birthday is proof that you’ve gained a whole year’s worth of even more wisdom, personal growth, and glowing, healthy skin :)
Although we can’t begin to imagine what you’ve experienced since your last birthday, what we can imagine is that you’ve lived moments of rejoice and moments of difficulties, have made new discoveries, and have had a few life-changing experiences that have propelled you to growing into who you are today! There’s a lot to be proud of there.
Starting this year, we want to add to your collection of happy moments for the year and help you celebrate your birthday!
If you’re up for it, then go ahead and fill out the form above and we’ll reach out to you in the days leading up to your big day.
(Hint: There may be a few surprises in store for you, so you might want to get in on this!)