The Ultimate Guide on How to Make a Face Mask With Aloe Vera: Homemade DIY Recipes, Benefits, & Skin Problems It Helps You Overcome

Perhaps to most, the aloe vera plant just seems like an innocuous plant you see in botanical gardens and front yards, but did you know that this powerful succulent contains 75 active compounds, including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and antioxidants?!

It’s no wonder that the Egyptians referred to it as the “plant of immortality” and that it’s been used for skincare and medicinal purposes for over 6,000 years!

If you’re not convinced yet that the aloe vera plant is something you want to start including in your skincare routine, let us help you understand it better by explaining in more detail what’s in this magical plant, how it can help you overcome a variety of skin issues, and recipes showing to make the best aloe vera face masks at home.


What Is Aloe Vera?

Aloe Vera is a cactus-like plant that grows in hot, dry climates. It is cultivated in subtropical regions around the world, including the southern border areas of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.

Aloe Vera is a cactus-like plant that grows in hot, dry climates. It is cultivated in subtropical regions around the world, including the southern border areas of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.

Let's Get Nerdy: How Exactly Does Aloe Vera Help My Skin?

From vitamins, minerals, acids, and many more, there are tons of substances in the aloe vera plant that make it extremely beneficial for the skin:

  • Vitamin A (beta-carotene), C, and E are powerful antioxidants that protect the skin from free radical damage, promote collagen production, and enhance skin hydration and elasticity.
  • 20 of the 22 essential amino acids, including lysine and proline, which help with tissue repair and the regeneration of skin cells.
  • Polysaccharides, which are long chains of sugar molecules that provide deep hydration, help form a protective barrier on the skin, and support wound healing and skin repair.
  • Salicylic acid acts as an exfoliant, helping to unclog pores, reduce acne, and soothe inflammation.
  • Enzymes like bradykinase, which helps reduce excessive inflammation when applied to the skin, and aloe emodin, which has soothing and antimicrobial properties.
  • Lignin interacts with skin lipids and cellular membranes, helping to improve the permeability of the skin barrier and allowing other active ingredients to penetrate deeper into the skin.
  • Fatty acids linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, and stearic acid, which help keep the skin hydrated, reduce redness and irritation, and repair damaged skin
  • Anthraquinones like aloin and emodin offer antibacterial and antifungal properties, making aloe useful for skin conditions such as infections or irritation.
  • Minerals such as magnesium, zinc, calcium, and selenium support skin health by promoting healing, reducing inflammation, and acting as antioxidants.


Now that you understand the nerdy specifics of what makes aloe vera so effective in healing and soothing your skin, let's boil these facts down into a more practical understanding of what kinds of common skin issues this plant can help heal on a daily basis.


What Common Skin Issues Can Aloe Vera Help Heal?

From sunburns and small wounds to acne and eczema, aloe vera offers a broad range of healing properties that help restore skin health and appearance for the following 11 skin issues:


From sunburns and small wounds to acne and eczema, aloe vera offers a broad range of healing properties that help restore skin health and appearance for the following 11 skin issues:

1. Sunburn

Aloe is renowned for its ability to soothe and heal sunburned skin. It has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties that help calm irritation, reduce redness, and alleviate the discomfort caused by UV radiation.
  • How It Works:
    • Polysaccharides in aloe help form a protective layer over sunburned skin, retaining moisture and promoting repair.
    • Glycoproteins and bradykinase enzyme reduce pain and inflammation.
    • Vitamins C and E promote healing and neutralize free radicals caused by sun exposure.

If you have sunburns over larger areas of your body, you may want to use a body lotion instead. The best body lotion to soothe and heal larger areas is one like this.

2. Acne and Acne Scars

Aloe vera has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which are useful in treating and preventing acne. It can also help with acne scars by promoting cell regeneration. If you suffer from acne, we'll be sharing below a recipe for an aloe vera mask for pimples!


Aloe vera has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which are useful in treating and preventing acne. It can also help with acne scars by promoting cell regeneration. If you suffer from acne, we'll be sharing below a recipe for an aloe vera mask for pimples!

  • How It Works:
    • Salicylic acid in aloe helps exfoliate the skin and unclog pores, reducing acne breakouts.
    • Aloe contains saponins and anthraquinones (like aloin and emodin), which have antimicrobial effects, helping to kill acne-causing bacteria.
    • Zinc and magnesium in aloe reduce inflammation and redness.
    • Polysaccharides encourage new skin cell growth, improving the appearance of acne scars.

In addition to reducing inflammation with aloe vera, we also recommend using a gentle exfoliator a couple of times a week to help clear up any clogged pores that may be exacerbating the issue.

3. Eczema and Psoriasis

Aloe vera is particularly effective for inflammatory skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. It helps to hydrate dry, flaky patches and reduces itching and irritation.


Aloe vera is particularly effective for inflammatory skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. It helps to hydrate dry, flaky patches and reduces itching and irritation.

  • How It Works:
    • Sterols in aloe vera act as anti-inflammatories that calm flare-ups and reduce redness.
    • Polysaccharides and amino acids aid in skin barrier repair, improving moisture retention in dry, compromised skin.
    • Vitamins C and E fight oxidative stress, which can worsen these conditions.
    • Lignin enhances penetration of aloe’s nutrients deeper into the skin layers, providing more effective relief.

Unsure where you've got psoriasis or eczema? Check this article out to learn the difference.

4. Dry and Dehydrated Skin

  • Aloe is an excellent natural moisturizer that hydrates the skin without making it greasy, making it suitable for both dry and combination skin types.
  • How It Works:
    • Polysaccharides form a hydrating layer on the skin, trapping moisture and preventing water loss.
    • Amino acids help soften hardened skin cells and improve texture.
    • Aloe’s high water content (almost 98%) immediately replenishes dehydrated skin and keeps it supple.

5. Wounds, Cuts, and Abrasions

  • Aloe vera speeds up wound healing by enhancing collagen production and reducing inflammation. It is commonly used for minor cuts, abrasions, and post-surgical wounds.
  • How It Works:
    • Polysaccharides promote tissue regeneration by boosting fibroblast activity, which is essential for wound healing.
    • Glycoproteins reduce inflammation and pain, while growth hormones in aloe, including gibberellin and salicylic acid, stimulate skin repair.
    • Aloe vera’s antibacterial and antimicrobial properties prevent infections in open wounds, ensuring a faster recovery.

6. Burns (Minor)

Aloe’s cooling effect makes it particularly effective for soothing minor burns, including kitchen burns, heat-related injuries, or friction burns.

Aloe’s cooling effect makes it particularly effective for soothing minor burns, including kitchen burns, heat-related injuries, or friction burns.

  • How It Works:
    • The water content in aloe provides immediate relief by cooling the affected area.
    • Polysaccharides help in the formation of new tissue, speeding up the healing process of burns.
    • Salicylic acid reduces pain, and aloe’s anti-inflammatory compounds prevent swelling.
    • Glucomannan, a component of aloe, supports collagen production, improving the skin’s repair process and minimizing scarring.

7. Rashes and Skin Irritation

  • Aloe is a gentle, soothing agent that reduces irritation and helps with skin rashes caused by allergies, insect bites, or skin sensitivities.
  • How It Works:
    • Bradykinase in aloe breaks down bradykinin, a compound that triggers inflammation and pain in irritated skin.
    • Aloe’s antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects reduce swelling and redness.
    • The amino acids in aloe help soothe irritated skin and restore the skin’s natural barrier.

8. Cold Sores

Aloe vera helps reduce the discomfort and duration of cold sores caused by the herpes simplex virus.

  • How It Works:
    • Aloe contains enzymes and antivirals like salicylic acid, which accelerate the healing of cold sores by breaking down infected cells and promoting skin regeneration.
    • Anthraquinones and emodin have natural antiviral properties, helping to reduce the severity of outbreaks.

9. Signs of Aging (Wrinkles and Fine Lines)

Aloe vera helps slow the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by improving skin elasticity and hydrating the skin.
  • How It Works:
    • Vitamins C and E stimulate collagen production, helping to maintain skin firmness.
    • Amino acids improve skin texture, smoothing out fine lines.
    • Polysaccharides and sterols help retain skin moisture, plumping the skin and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

10. Hyperpigmentation and Dark Spots

Aloe vera can help lighten hyperpigmentation and reduce the appearance of dark spots.
Aloe vera can help lighten hyperpigmentation and reduce the appearance of dark spots.
  • How It Works:
    • Aloin, an anthraquinone found in aloe, has depigmenting properties that inhibit the enzyme tyrosinase, which is responsible for excess melanin production.
    • Regular application of aloe vera gel helps in fading dark spots over time while promoting even skin tone.

To get the full effect of aloe vera's blemish-fighting properties, you'll want to exfoliate 1-2 times per week with this gentle scrub beforehand!

11. Inflammatory Skin Conditions (i.e. Rosacea)

Aloe’s anti-inflammatory properties can calm the redness and irritation associated with rosacea.
  • How It Works:
    • Bradykinase and sterols reduce inflammation and the blood flow to dilated vessels in rosacea-affected areas.
    • Aloe’s moisturizing properties prevent the skin from drying out, which can worsen rosacea.
    • Saponins also contribute to aloe’s ability to clean and protect the skin from infection.

Are you starting to get now why the Egyptians referred to aloe vera as the "plant of immortality"?

Due to its rich content of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, polysaccharides, and anti-inflammatory compounds, aloe vera is able to heal a wide variety of skin conditions.

Now, if you've been burned in the past from using products that weren't ideal and in fact were harmful to your particular skin type and are thinking, "Is aloe vera okay to apply to my skin type?", we'll answer that in the next section below.


 Is Aloe Vera Safe to Apply to My Skin Type?

The all-powerful aloe vera is able to adapt to the needs of every skin type, making it a universally beneficial ingredient! Its hydrating, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties make it suitable for dry, oily, sensitive, combination, normal, mature, and dull skin. Pretty sweet, right?

If you're not sure what your skin type is, you can find out here!

Here's how aloe vera is beneficial for each skin type:

Dry Skin

Aloe vera provides deep hydration without clogging pores, making it perfect for dry, flaky skin. It also helps repair the skin’s moisture barrier and prevent water loss.
Aloe vera provides deep hydration without clogging pores, making it perfect for dry, flaky skin. It also helps repair the skin’s moisture barrier and prevent water loss.
  • Key Benefits:
    • Polysaccharides in aloe form a protective layer on the skin, helping retain moisture.
    • Its high water content instantly hydrates dry skin, while amino acids soften rough patches.
    • Vitamins C and E promote moisture retention and improve elasticity, helping dry skin feel softer and more supple.

Oily and Acne-Prone Skin

Aloe vera is lightweight, non-comedogenic (won't clog pores), and absorbs quickly, making it ideal for oily and acne-prone skin. It reduces excess oil, clears pores, and soothes acne-related inflammation.
Aloe vera is lightweight, non-comedogenic (won't clog pores), and absorbs quickly, making it ideal for oily and acne-prone skin. It reduces excess oil, clears pores, and soothes acne-related inflammation.
    • Key Benefits:
      • Salicylic acid in aloe exfoliates the skin and helps unclog pores, reducing acne breakouts.
      • Aloe's antibacterial properties fight acne-causing bacteria, while saponins cleanse the skin.
      • It reduces oil production without stripping the skin, preventing over-drying.
      • Anti-inflammatory enzymes like bradykinase calm irritated, inflamed skin, reducing redness and swelling associated with acne.

    Sensitive Skin

    If your skin is prone to irritation, redness, or reactions to harsh ingredients, you may have sensitive skin. Aloe vera is incredibly soothing, making it the ideal ingredient to use when making sheet masks for sensitive skin.


      If your skin is prone to irritation, redness, or reactions to harsh ingredients, you may have sensitive skin. Aloe vera is incredibly soothing, making it the ideal ingredient to use when making sheet masks for sensitive skin.
        • Key Benefits:
          • Polysaccharides and glycoproteins soothe inflamed, irritated skin and provide a calming effect.
          • Aloe’s anti-inflammatory properties, like sterols and bradykinase, reduce redness and irritation caused by sensitivity.
          • Amino acids support the repair of the skin barrier, preventing future irritations.
          • Aloe’s cooling effect also helps with conditions like rosacea or rashes.

        Combination Skin

        For combination skin (oily in some areas, dry in others), aloe vera provides balanced hydration and controls oil without leaving the skin greasy.
          • Key Benefits:
            • Aloe’s hydrating properties deliver moisture to dry areas without overwhelming the oily parts of the skin.
            • Polysaccharides create a protective barrier that retains moisture while allowing the skin to breathe.
            • Its lightweight texture is ideal for use on oily areas (like the T-zone) while still offering soothing hydration to drier areas.

          Normal Skin

          For normal skin, aloe vera helps maintain a healthy, radiant complexion by providing balanced hydration and protection.
            • Key Benefits:
              • Vitamins C and E nourish and protect the skin, supporting collagen production and maintaining skin elasticity.
              • Antioxidants fight environmental stressors and free radicals, helping to maintain a smooth, youthful complexion.
              • Aloe’s lightweight, hydrating formula keeps the skin balanced without making it too oily or too dry.
            • Best Form: Aloe vera moisturizers, serums, or gels that promote healthy skin maintenance.

            Mature/Aging Skin

            Aloe vera helps aging skin by improving elasticity, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and promoting cell regeneration. It also combats dryness, which is common as skin ages.
            Aloe vera helps aging skin by improving elasticity, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and promoting cell regeneration. It also combats dryness, which is common as skin ages.
              • Key Benefits:
                • Vitamins C and E, along with beta-carotene, promote collagen production, which helps firm the skin and reduce wrinkles.
                • Polysaccharides and sterols hydrate and plump the skin, giving it a smoother, more youthful appearance.
                • Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, slowing down signs of aging like sagging and age spots.
                • Amino acids help smooth fine lines and improve skin texture.

              Dull Skin

              Aloe vera revitalizes dull, tired skin by boosting hydration and providing essential nutrients that promote a glowing complexion.
                • Key Benefits:
                  • Enzymes in aloe gently exfoliate dead skin cells, revealing fresher, brighter skin.
                  • Vitamins C and E work as antioxidants to improve skin radiance and fight environmental damage.
                  • Amino acids support cell renewal, enhancing skin texture and luminosity.


                Now it's time to learn how to make a face mask with aloe vera, where you can get it, and how to prepare it!


                 Where Can I Get Aloe Vera & How Do I Prepare It?

                There are three primary ways you can obtain aloe vera to prepare for a skin nourishing face mask: 1) Buy it in gel form at a drug store, 2) Get the leaves at select grocery stores, or 3) If you have the time and motivation, grow the plant yourself and either get a starter plant from a plant shop or get a cutting from a friend who's already growing it.


                There are three primary ways you can obtain aloe vera to prepare for a skin nourishing face mask: 1) Buy it in gel form at a drug store, 2) Get the leaves at select grocery stores, or 3) If you have the time and motivation, grow the plant yourself and either get a starter plant from a plant shop or get a cutting from a friend who's already growing it.

                Growing It Yourself

                If you choose to grow the plant from a cutting, all you need to do is make a clean cut in a mature leaf with pruning snips, place the cutting on a dry paper towel out of the sun, and wait a few days for the wound to dry out.

                Whether you're growing it from a cutting or from a starter plant you bought at a store, when it comes to the care of an aloe vera plant, just keep in mind that they enjoy lots of sunshine (plus a little bit of shade) and need very little watering, as they are a succulent.

                If, however, you’re not quite so ambitious as to start your own regenerative skincare farm right now and instead are desiring to make an aloe vera face mask ASAP, then we'll provide the steps you need to take if you go the route of buying ready-to-go leaves of aloe vera from a store.

                 How to Prepare Raw Aloe Vera Leaves for a Face Mask

                How to Prepare Raw Aloe Vera Leaves for a Face Mask

                Step 1: Use a sharp knife to cut the leaf lengthwise

                Step 2: Scrape the aloe vera liquid and meat out of the leaf with a spoon or knife and blend or mash until smooth

                Step 3: Avoid the green parts of the aloe vera plant to avoid an allergic reaction from the latex

                Step 4: Store any unused aloe vera gel in the fridge for up to 3 days

                Now that you have some prepped aloe vera, we can go into the recipes for making your DIY aloe vera face masks!

                Or if you want to skip the aloe vera preparation part, get these premade sheet mask sets.


                 Raw Aloe Vera + Honey Face Mask

                Raw Aloe Vera + Honey Face Mask

                The combination of aloe vera's collagen-boosting, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties with honey's healing, antimicrobial, and antioxidant effects accelerates skin repair, reduces inflammation, and treats acne, while gently exfoliating and promoting a balanced skin microbiome. This honey aloe vera face mask will soothe, hydrate, even out skin tone, and protect against oxidative damage, resulting in a brighter, smoother, and healthier complexion. Talk about a 2-for-1 punch!


                1. 1 tablespoon of raw aloe vera gel
                2. 1 tablespoon of raw honey (preferably organic or manuka honey — manuka has stronger antibacterial strength when compared to regular honey)


                1. In a small bowl, combine 1 tablespoon of the freshly extracted aloe vera gel with 1 tablespoon of raw honey
                2. Mix thoroughly until you achieve a smooth, sticky consistency
                3. Using clean fingers or a brush, apply the mixture evenly to your face, avoiding the eyes and mouth area
                4. Leave the aloe and honey face mask on for 15-20 minutes
                5. Rinse your face with lukewarm water, gently massaging in circular motions
                6. Pat your skin dry and follow with a moisturizer if needed

                The Benefits You Can Expect from an Aloe Vera Honey Face Mask & the Science Behind It:

                1. Hydration and Moisture Retention

                Aloe vera’s polysaccharides form a protective barrier that locks in moisture, while its lightweight, water-rich nature hydrates the skin without greasiness. Combined with honey, a natural humectant that draws and binds moisture to the skin, this duo helps maintain optimal hydration and supports cellular repair.

                  2. Healing and Wound Repair

                  Aloe boosts collagen production and speeds up wound healing with its regenerative compounds, while honey’s antioxidants and antibacterial properties create a moist environment to reduce scarring and fight off germs. Together, they speed up recovery and leave your skin looking its best!

                  3. Anti-inflammatory Effects for Eczema & Psoriasis

                  Aloe vera stimulates fibroblast activity and collagen synthesis, promoting wound healing and skin regeneration with compounds like glucomannan. Honey, rich in antioxidants and antibacterial properties, enhances the healing process by creating a moist environment and disinfecting wounds through hydrogen peroxide production. Together, they support faster wound closure and reduce scarring.

                  4. Prevention of Acne & Reduction of Breakouts

                  Aloe vera’s bradykinase enzyme, along with sterols and salicylic acid, reduces inflammation and soothes irritated skin. Honey’s flavonoids and phenolic compounds provide additional anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits, calming redness and irritation from conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Together, they effectively reduce inflammation and promote skin healing.

                    5. Protection from UV Radiation & Pollution

                    Aloe vera, rich in antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene, helps neutralize free radicals and shield the skin from environmental damage such as UV radiation and pollution. Similarly, honey’s polyphenols and flavonoids protect skin cells from oxidative stress, slowing down aging and preventing damage. Together, they offer strong defense against environmental stressors.

                      6. Gentle Exfoliation and Skin Renewal

                      Aloe vera’s gentle enzymes, like bradykinase, softly sweep away dead skin cells, boosting cell turnover for a smoother complexion. Meanwhile, honey's natural gluconic acid, an AHA, works its magic by exfoliating and encouraging fresh skin to shine through. Together, they’re the dream team for a radiant, refreshed glow!

                      7. Improved Skin Tone and Texture

                      Aloe vera’s secret weapon, aloin, helps fade dark spots and hyperpigmentation by slowing melanin production, giving your skin a fresh, even tone. Honey’s gentle exfoliation and collagen-boosting powers smooth skin and lighten those pesky spots over time. They’re your dynamic duo for a brighter, flawless complexion!


                       Raw Aloe Vera Cucumber Face Mask

                      Raw Aloe Vera Cucumber Face Mask

                      When it comes to homemade aloe vera face masks to cool and hydrate inflamed, dry skin, there's no better one to make than one than a cucumber and aloe vera face mask! Their combined anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help reduce hyperpigmentation, tighten pores, and protect against environmental stressors like UV damage and pollution. Ideal for sensitive or acne-prone skin, this cucumber aloe vera face mask calms irritation, heals inflamed areas, and provides lasting hydration, leaving the skin refreshed and rejuvenated.


                      • 1 tablespoon of raw aloe vera gel
                      • ¼ cucumber (peeled and chopped)


                      1. Peel ¼ of a cucumber and chop it into small pieces.
                      2. Blend or mash the cucumber until it turns into a smooth paste or juice.
                      3. In a small bowl, combine 1 tablespoon of fresh aloe vera gel with the cucumber.
                      4. Mix until you have a well-blended mask consistency.
                      5. Using clean fingers or a brush, apply the aloe vera and cucumber face mask evenly to your face, avoiding the eye area.
                      6. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes.
                      7. Rinse your face with cool or lukewarm water.
                      8. Pat dry and apply a light moisturizer.

                      The Benefits You Can Expect from an Aloe Vera Cucumber Face Mask & the Science Behind It:

                      1. Hydration and Moisture Retention

                      Aloe vera and cucumber team up to deliver intense, long-lasting hydration! Aloe’s polysaccharides lock in moisture while its water-rich texture deeply hydrates without any greasiness. Add cucumber’s 95% water content and vitamin C power, and you’ve got a refreshing, dewy glow that lasts all day. Perfect for all skin types!

                      2. Soothing and Cooling Effects

                      Aloe vera and cucumber are the ultimate cooling duo for angry, irritated skin! Aloe’s anti-inflammatory enzymes soothe redness and relieve burns, while cucumber’s cooling power reduces puffiness and calms inflamed skin. Together, they’re perfect for easing sunburns, irritation, or conditions like rosacea, leaving your skin feeling refreshed and calm.

                      3. Anti-inflammatory and Healing Properties

                      Aloe’s anti-inflammatory enzymes and glycoproteins work to calm irritation and speed up healing, while cucumber’s cucurbitacins and silica reduce swelling and boost collagen production. Together, they’re perfect for healing inflamed, sensitive, or acne-prone skin, making post-sunburn recovery a breeze!

                      4. Antioxidant Protection

                      Aloe’s antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, team up with cucumber’s vitamin C and caffeic acid to fight off free radicals and UV damage. Together, they keep your skin looking youthful, bright, and vibrant by neutralizing damage and preventing premature aging.

                      5. Pore Tightening and Skin Texture Improvement

                      Aloe tightens pores and controls oil while keeping things hydrated, and cucumber’s cooling touch reduces puffiness and boosts skin elasticity. Together, they shrink pores, smooth rough patches, and leave your skin looking and feeling revitalized.

                      6. Skin Brightening and Hyperpigmentation Reduction

                      Aloe vera and cucumber are your go-to for a brighter, more even complexion! Aloe’s aloin tackles dark spots and hyperpigmentation, while cucumber’s vitamin C lightens and brightens your skin. Plus, cucumber’s cooling effect helps banish puffiness and dark circles for a refreshed look.


                       Raw Aloe Vera and Turmeric Mask

                      Raw Aloe Vera and Turmeric Mask

                      This aloe vera and turmeric face mask is your ultimate skin savior! Aloe vera and turmeric team up to calm inflammation, fight acne, and brighten your complexion while healing scars and spots. Plus, they’re packed with antioxidants to protect against damage and keep oil in check, making it perfect for all skin types.


                      • 1 tablespoon of raw aloe vera gel
                      • ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder (preferably organic)


                      1. In a small bowl, combine 1 tablespoon of the fresh aloe vera gel with ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder.
                      2. Stir well until the turmeric is fully incorporated into the aloe vera gel, creating a smooth paste.
                      3. Using clean fingers or a brush, apply the mixture evenly to your face, avoiding the eye area.
                      4. Leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes. Note that turmeric can stain the skin temporarily, so it’s best to wear clothes you don’t mind getting stained (or just be extra careful when applying and washing off!)
                      5. Rinse your face with lukewarm water, gently massaging to remove the mask. You might need to use a gentle cleanser to fully remove any yellow residue.
                      6. Pat your skin dry and follow with a moisturizer.

                      The Benefits You Can Expect from an Aloe Vera Turmeric Face Mask & the Science Behind It:

                      1. Anti-inflammatory Properties

                      Aloe’s bradykinase and soothing compounds tackle inflammation from acne, eczema, or rosacea, while turmeric’s curcumin kicks inflammation and redness to the curb. Together, they’re perfect for a calm, clear, and irritation-free complexion!

                      2. Antibacterial and Acne-Fighting Action

                      Aloe vera and turmeric are a dynamic duo for clear skin! Aloe’s antibacterial saponins and exfoliating salicylic acid fight acne-causing bacteria and unclog pores, while turmeric’s curcumin tackles acne bacteria and controls excess oil. Together, they help keep your skin clean, clear, and breakout-free!

                      3. Brightening and Hyperpigmentation Reduction

                      Aloe’s aloin and vitamin C work to fade dark spots and even out skin tone, while turmeric’s curcumin tackles melanin production and soothes post-acne marks. Together, they give you a glowing, even-toned look with less effort!

                      4. Healing and Skin Regeneration

                      Aloe boosts collagen and elastin for speedy wound healing with its vitamins A, C, and E, while turmeric ramps up collagen production and speeds up repair with its curcumin magic. Together, they heal wounds, cuts, and acne scars, leaving your skin refreshed and renewed!

                      5. Antioxidant Protection

                      Aloe boosts collagen and elastin for speedy wound healing with its vitamins A, C, and E, while turmeric ramps up collagen production and speeds up repair with its curcumin magic. Together, they heal wounds, cuts, and acne scars, leaving your skin refreshed and renewed!

                      6. Oil Control and Sebum Regulation

                      Aloe hydrates without clogging pores, thanks to its lightweight, non-greasy formula, while turmeric keeps excess oil in check and prevents acne. Together, they balance your skin’s oil production and keep your complexion clear and fresh!

                      7. Soothing and Hydration

                      Aloe’s mucopolysaccharides lock in moisture and soothe dryness, while turmeric’s anti-inflammatory magic calms irritation and helps your skin hold onto that precious hydration. Together, they keep your skin feeling soft, calm, and beautifully moisturized!

                      Now that you have these recipes and the understanding of what makes them so beneficial for your skin, you have the power to go into the world and start striving towards clear, healthy skin today!

                      That is, unless the tediousness of the aloe vera preparation made you have cold feet. If so, don't worry, we've got a simple way to make the aloe vera preparation a whole lot easier, so keep on reading.


                      Preparing Your Aloe Vera Face Masks: The Easier Way

                      Preparing Your Aloe Vera Face Masks: The Easier Way

                      Two words: Sheet masks. These bad boys are how you're going to make the most tedious part of your mask-making work as easy as pie, because the aloe vera is already infused into the masks!

                      By using premade aloe vera plant face masks, not only will you still be able to add ingredients to cater them towards your individual skin needs, you'll also have more effective masks. The best moisturizing sheet mask for these recipes will be one that not only has aloe vera, but many other skin-nourishing ingredients, like this Japanese sheet mask.

                      Compared to the more simple DIY face masks with aloe vera, using premade daily sheet masks is much more time-efficient, so we recommend this route for a more hands off experience.

                      Here are a few other reasons why you may want to use a premade aloe vera hydrating face mask over making a homemade one from scratch:

                      • Relaxation and Self-Care: Applying a sheet mask is often seen as a relaxing ritual, providing a moment of self-care and stress relief.
                      • Affordable Luxury: Soothing facial masks are a great budget-friendly alternative for those who still want to get the luxurious feeling of a spa experience but who don't want to break the bank to do so.
                      • Enhanced Absorption: The mask creates a barrier on the skin, which can enhance the absorption of the serum's active ingredients, making them more effective.
                      • Convenience: Sheet masks are easy to use, mess-free, and don't require washing off or preparation, making them a convenient option for skincare on the go.

                        With sheet masks, you can, of course, just wear them as is and enjoy their skin-glowing benefits, but have you ever considered that you can add more ingredients to them?

                        Whether you have or haven't, here are the three premade aloe vera face mask versions of the homemade recipes we shared earlier!


                        Premade Sheet Mask DIY Recipes

                        If you're looking for the best hydrating sheet mask to use for these recipes, try this one.

                        Aloe Vera Facial Sheet Mask + Honey


                        1. In a small bowl, slightly warm 1 teaspoon of raw honey by placing the bowl in warm water for a few minutes (do not microwave the honey, as high heat can degrade its beneficial properties). Once the honey is a bit more fluid, it will be easier to spread.
                        2. With clean fingers or a small brush, lightly spread the honey over your face, focusing on areas that touch your driest or most irritated skin
                        3. Place the aloe vera sheet mask onto your face, pressing it down to ensure it adheres well.
                        4. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes.
                        5. Remove the sheet mask and gently massage the remaining honey and aloe serum into your skin.
                        6. Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry
                        7. Follow up with a moisturizer


                        Premade Aloe Vera Sheet Mask + Cucumber


                        1. Mash/blend 1/4 of a cucumber until it's a consistent paste or juice
                        2. Apply the prepared cucumber to your face
                        3. Apply the sheet mask on top of the layer of cucumber, pressing gently to ensure it adheres well
                        4. Leave the sheet mask and cucumber combination on for 15-20 minutes.
                        5. Remove the sheet mask and gently massage any remaining serum and cucumber juice into your skin.
                        6. Rinse off any excess residue with cool water, if needed.
                        7. Follow up with a moisturizer

                        Premade Aloe Vera Sheet Mask with Turmeric 

                        Prep the Turmeric

                        In a small bowl, mix ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder with a small amount of water or the excess serum in the mask packaging to create a smooth, thin paste.


                        1. Gently spread the turmeric paste onto your clean face, focusing on areas that need extra brightening or healing.
                        2. Unfold the premade aloe vera sheet mask and place it over your face, making sure it adheres well to the skin.
                        3. Leave the sheet mask on for 15-20 minutes.
                        4. Remove the sheet mask and gently massage any remaining serum into your skin. Be cautious of turmeric staining!
                        5. You may need to use a cleanser or sponge to scrub off any excess turmeric residue
                        6. Pat your skin dry and apply a moisturizer.


                        And there you have it folks! From understanding exactly what aloe vera is and all of its magical, skin-healing properties, as well as those of honey, cucumber, and turmeric, you can now easily create the face mask of your dreams. If you're feeling ambitious, you can of course prepare the aloe vera yourself, but if you don't want to have to lift a finger for your well-earned "me time", then simply order a premade sheet mask and add the ingredients you'd like to it!

                        Order this sheet mask pack to save money and get multiple masks at once!

                        Regardless of your skin type and of whether you're dealing with severely dry skin, acne, or eczema, a simple aloe vera face mask has got you covered.



                        1. Can I use a sheet mask everyday?

                        This may not be the answer you want to hear, but it truly depends per person. Some people's skin can handle and benefit from using a sheet mask everyday, while others' may end up breaking out from using a face mask so frequently.

                        Our recommendation is start with applying a hydrating face mask sheet 1-2 times a week and increase it gradually from there, if you see results. If you start to break out or experience redness or irritation, reduce or stop use altogether and continue experimenting until you find the right frequency that works for your skin.

                        2. What should I do with the leftover serum?

                        Yes! In fact, we think it'd be a waste not to put it to good use. Treat it like a moisturizer. If you don't need to use it yet or want to store it for now, simply seal the packaging (or transfer the serum to a clean container) and put it in the fridge. Be sure to use it within a few days, while the ingredients are still fresh.

                        These face masks have a lot of leftover serum in each package!

                        3. Can I reuse a sheet mask?

                        No, we don't recommend using the sheet mask more than once, as it's likely that bacteria may have contaminated the mask after use. 

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