9 Surprising Consequences of Not Moisturizing Enough That You Probably Don't Know

Have you been feeling like no matter how many steps you add to your skincare routine you still struggle with skin issues such as itchiness, acne, uneven skin tone, and heightened skin sensitivity?

The solution may be a lot simpler than you think. As with anything, it’s important to have a strong foundation if you want everything else to be truly effective, and in skincare that foundation is moisturizing.

You may be rolling your eyes at how apparently obvious this skincare step is, but if you’ve been dealing with the skin problems mentioned above, it may mean that you haven’t been moisturizing enough. In this blog, you’ll learn 9 surprising consequences that occur when you don't moisturize enough, as well as what kinds of moisturizers will help you simplify and make more effective your current skincare routine.

9 surprising consequences of dry skin

1. Heightened Sensitivity

When your skin is dry, it becomes weakened and thus more permeable to irritants, which cause an increase in redness, itchiness, and discomfort. When it comes to moisturizing skin that's become extra sensitive, switch to a hypoallergenic moisturizer, to keep your skin hydrated without causing damage and increased sensitivity.

2. Itchiness

We all know that the most obvious consequence of not moisturizing enough is skin that's dehydrated and dry. What you may not know, however, is that dry skin can lead to skin that’s itchy, and what do we do when our skin feels itchy? Naturally, we want to scratch it. The constant scratching, in turn, leads to a further damaged skin barrier that makes it easier for irritants and allergens to enter and irritate the skin. If you’re dealing with both itchy and dry skin, you’re going to want to start using this moisturizer.

itchy skin

3. Irritation and Redness

Once the skin barrier is damaged and weakened, via dryness and scratching, the irritants and allergens enter the skin more easily, which trigger an inflammatory response and also makes your skin more susceptible to conditions like eczema and dermatitis. To soothe and hydrated reddened, irritated skin, we recommend keeping this multifunctional moisturizer on hand.

4. Premature Aging

Inadequate moisture can also accelerate the signs of aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. When the skin lacks moisture, it loses its ability to bounce back, leading to decreased elasticity. Over time, this loss of elasticity can contribute to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles, especially in areas prone to repetitive facial expressions (i.e. around the eyes and mouth).

fine lines and wrinkles

5. Acne Breakouts

Paradoxically, when the skin is not adequately moisturized, it may respond by producing an excessive amount of oil (sebum) to compensate for the lack of moisture, also known as “rebound oil production" or "reactive seborrhea." This overproduction of sebum can clog the pores, which can lead to an increase in acne breakouts.

6. Uneven Skin Tone

When the skin is dry, it tends to accumulate dead skin cells on the surface, which can create a rough and uneven texture and make the skin appear dull and lackluster. The appearance of inflamed, irritated skin also contributes to uneven skin tone. To get rid of the excess dead skin cells and even your skin tone, try adding this exfoliator to your routine.

7. Increased Sun Sensitivity

sensitivity to sun

Without proper moisture, your skin's natural barrier becomes thinner and less capable of shielding the deeper layers of the skin from UV damage. Dry skin may also contribute to a reduction in melanin production, which is the skin's natural pigment responsible for absorbing and dissipating UV rays, reducing their potential harmful effects. To get the powerful combination of both UV protection and long-lasting hydration, make sure to always carry a tube of this lip hydrator with you wherever you go!

8. Slow Wound Healing

Dry skin may experience a slower turnover of skin cells, meaning that the process of shedding dead skin cells and replacing them with new ones is not as efficient. This delayed cell turnover can hinder the healing process of wounds and cuts. Dry skin also impairs the production of collagen, a critical protein that provides structure and support to the skin and therefore plays a critical role in wound healing, which results in delayed tissue repair. To hasten the healing of damaged skin, you’ll want to use a moisturizer that contains Vitamin E.

9. Prone to Infections

When the skin lacks sufficient moisture, its ability to defend against harmful pathogens and environmental irritants diminishes, making it more susceptible to infections. Dry skin is also more prone to cracking and fissures, especially in areas that experience repeated movements  (i.e. around the mouth). These cracks provide entry points for bacteria and other infectious agents to enter the skin, leading to infections. In order to heal your skin from deep cracks, you’ll want to use a rich moisturizer that has an extra high glycerin content, like this one.

If you’re thinking to yourself, “But I already moisturize every day and I still deal with all of these issues!”, then it may be time to switch moisturizers. If you live in a particularly dry environment or simply have skin that tends to dry out more easily, then opting for a thicker, more hydrating moisturizer may be the best option for you.

If you are dealing with dry skin that’s itchy and irritated, then you’ll definitely want to give our best seller, the Moisturizing Skin Cream, a try.


Yu-Be Moisturizing Skin Cream


However, if you are dealing with both dry and sensitive skin, then our Yuzu Pure Hydration Cream, a hypoallergenic moisturizer, will likely be best suited to safely hydrate and heal your skin without causing further damage or irritation.

If you are using our moisturizers already but are still dealing with the aforementioned skin issues, then consider upping the frequency with which you moisturize your skin. It’s all too easy to forget about your skin as you rush through your busy day, going from point A to point B, so take an extra moment in between each task and check in with your skin to see if it needs another layer of moisture. You can also use this moment of pause as a good excuse to mindfully check in with yourself and take a few deep breaths as you gently massage the moisturizer into your skin.

Yuzu Pure Hydration Cream

Keeping your skin deeply moisturized throughout the day is essential if you want to reduce or get rid of skin issues such as sensitivity, irritation, acne, premature aging, and much more. Not only is it important to moisturize regularly throughout the day, it’s also important to use the right kind of moisturizer. In particular, you’ll want to use moisturizers that are rich in moisturizing glycerin content, are safe for sensitive skin, and also contain ingredients that help soothe and heal damaged, irritated skin. Especially with Yu-Be moisturizers, a little goes a long way in helping you achieve skin that’s strong, healthy, and moisturized!

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