6 Hidden Causes of Dull, Aging Skin and How to Combat Them

There’s a silent war that our skin is fighting everyday that you’re probably not aware of, and that is the war against the pollutants in our environment.

From industrial emissions to vehicle exhaust, and even the smoke from our beloved BBQs, these invaders are out to sabotage our skin. But fear not, because while it may be a sneaky enemy that works from the shadows to make us look older than we feel, it’s not an invincible one. In today’s blog, we’re going to arm you with simple, practical wisdom to help you fight back and keep your skin looking refreshed and glowing!

To know how to handle these invisible buggers, it’s important to first understand where they’re coming from. Here are some of the common pollutants that we are most likely to encounter in our day-to-day lives:

  • Industrial emissions
  • Vehicle exhaust
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Smoke come from food that’s cooked at high temperatures
  • The chemicals emitted by household products, paints, and fuels
  • Heavy metals found in contaminated water

We’re almost 100% certain that you encounter at least one, if not all, of these in some form everyday. That means that there are constantly pollutants sinking into your skin and potentially causing a number of issues, such as:

  • Wrinkles
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Exacerbation of skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, and acne
  • Dryness
  • Dullness
  • Increased sensitivity


If you’ve been dealing with a certain skin issue for some time now and feel that you’ve tried everything under the sun to get rid of it but still haven’t resolve it, then perhaps it’s time to consider that the cause might’ve been the pollutants in your environment this whole time!

If you’re ready to try something different or upgrade your skincare routine and habits to create an even more solid barrier against these hidden invaders, then try incorporating some of these habits into your routine:

  • Wash your hands before cleansing your face. If you’re in the camp of, “My hands will be cleansed at the same time as my face, so why would I need to wash my hands beforehand?”, it’s time to change that. We’re not saying that this will be the cure to your seemingly never-ending bouts of acne or eczema, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt. And, who knows, in a week or two you just might see a few less bumps or areas of irritated skin!
  • Cleanse your face twice a day to remove the surface impurities that have stuck onto your skin from the environment. If you were not cleansing at all or only cleansing once a day, see what upping its frequency does for your skin. Remember, our skin is constantly getting hit with pollutants, from the moment we walk out the door to the moment our faces hit our pillows at night! We don’t want to leave the door open even one tiny bit for those silent creepy crawlies to do their evil work while we sleep.


  • Exfoliate twice a week to remove pollutants that have lodged themselves in your pores and to shed the old, dull, and pollutant-contaminated layer of skin. 
  • Wear full length clothes so that your skin is not exposed directly to the pollution
  • After and in between cleansing, be sure to moisturize regularly to rehydrate skin and to create a protective moisture barrier
  • Always drink and bathe using filtered water, to keep your body (and therefore skin) clean and hydrated
  • Apply a facial sheet mask regularly to help rehydrate your skin and to relax after a long day of being out and being exposed to skin-drying pollutants

Face sheet mask


So there you have it, fellow warriors in the battle against grime and grit. With a solid skincare routine, you'll be dodging wrinkles and hyperpigmentation like a pro. Remember, cleanse and exfoliate like you mean it, hydrate as if you’re prepping for a marathon, and hide your face with sheet masks like a Hollywood star avoiding the paparazzi. By following these tips, you'll keep those pesky pollutants at bay and your skin glowing brighter than a supernova. Cheers to aging gracefully and staying fabulous, no matter what kind of pollutants get thrown at us!

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